Saturday, September 24, 2011

chalkboard pantry menu

there are some cute chalkboard menus all over pinterest.

i love the idea but don't have the wall/counter space in my kitchen. however, i have 2 pantry doors that were perfect for the job.
since these are raised panels, i didn't tape or anything... just went at it with a few coats of chalkboard paint!

a few scrapbook stickers to add some cuteness & frame out the days of the week...

the kids each have their own panel & have had so much fun drawing on the doors.

puppy party- kate is 2!

i feel really bad. here i am planning kate's 3rd birthday and i haven't even posted about her puppy parties from a year ago! last year we did two small parties... one with friends here in kc and then one a couple weeks after her birthday with family while we were home for thanksgiving.

for her friend party, i did a quick & simple evite & asked guests to bring a donation for the local pet shelter in lieu of gifts. we had just moved into our house 2 weeks prior so it was really an excuse to have a little playdate, show our friends our new place & celebrate kate at the same time :)

i did  a little bit of decorating...

we had a great time!
for kate's family party i sent out invitations the old fashioned way. i picked up some plain turquoise notecards, printed them with brown ink & added a couple of embellishments (dog-theme brads from the scrapbooking section of joanns- took off the brad part & hot glued the flat embellishment on the invite).

kate with her gran & cousin lydia

party favors were puppy stickers, a bouncy ball, puppy chow & a handmade t-shirt (inspiration here)

favors for the big dogs.

kate with her great grandma :)

i used an unfrosted chocolate cake for the ears, the top of a cupcake for the muzzle & a flattened starburst candy for the tongue.

the funny thing about all this partying was that kate actually doesn't want anything to do with real dogs or puppies but she can't get enough of stuffed puppy dogs or books, pictures & movies of them :) for more puppy party ideas (some that i used and some i didn't) check out my party board on pinterest.